Peter Russell
The Internet was a new frontier 20 years ago when Peter launched our online presence, at the same time as Google and Virgin. Starting from scratch, it was full of exciting changes and challenges to meet, an amazing real-life and family experience second to none. It was believed that the Internet changed so fast that one year online equalled about five years in the real world, so these days Peter is enjoying an oversight role while experiencing an occasional cruise with co-founder and wife Tosh.
What is your favourite cruise destination you visited & why?
Antarctica is beyond comparison and although expensive you should visit (ashore if possible) while you still can as apparently cruises will be very restricted in future.
What is your favourite cruise ship & why?
Hurtigruten's Trollfjord for excellent seamanship in challenging waters, Windstar for adventure with casual high-end ambiance with Aussie flagged and crewed Coral Discoverer for the best all round experience.
Favourite cruise tip you give your clients
Luggage - Findmy app | Apple AirTags| Sparky's tape | Zip-ties | TAS lock key (be prepared) Cruising - Packing cubes (labelled) | Cruisemapper (where am I) | Windy.com (what's coming up) Flying - Timeshifter app (neutralizes jetlag) Languages - ITranslate app (visual & sound) | WhatsApp (Wi-Fi com's back home)